The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.
Mithila art is a form of folk art traditionally practised by women in the Mithila region on mud walls. It was only after 1990, when the Panchayat regime ended, then this art form was appreciated, attracted attention and was accepted as one of the Nepali folk arts. Mithila paintings is a renowned art style practiced by women of Nepal and some parts of India.
The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.
01 Aug 2021
I had also so much trouble for collecting the all the required materials for thangka painting, Thank you Kalprachna for bringing all products together
29 July 2021